One of the studies of Japanese knives history says that the differences between Japanese knives and western knives are based on the differences of physical types. Back in the olden days, western people who are powerful and well-shaped made knives that are well-built and won’t get rusted easily. Meanwhile in Japan, Japanese weren’t as strong as westerns so Japanese made… View Post
The Japanese kitchen knives are way easier to get rusted than western kitchen knives
The Japanese kitchen knives are sharp and make your cooking easy, however, there is one thing you need to be careful. The Japanese kitchen knives are way easier to get rusted than western kitchen knives if you don’t know how to keep it. Of course, you don’t want it to get rusted, do you? Here is a tip for you…. View Post
One of special techniques of using a Japanese kitchen knife is called “Nimai-biki”
The most popular local food in Nankan is “Nankan Age”
The most popular local food in Nankan is “Nankan Age”. You may not know what Age is. Age is fried sliced Tofu which is popular for everybody in Japan from a long time ago. Nankan Age is very soft, stays good for three months, and soaks up seasonings well. My recommendation is Nankan Age with miso soup. It matches together… View Post